Install MailEnable Mail Server on Windows
Posted by Will Kruss on 31 May 2016 07:42 PM

If you install MailEnable on your server, don't install the Microsoft SMTP Server unless you run it on a separate port.

Mail Enable offers a free version of their Mail Server which is fantastic for most small businesses.

Note: If you intend to install MailEnable on your server you should NOT install the Microsoft SMTP Server unless you run it on a separate port.

  • Go to and download the Standard Edition to your VPS
  • Run the installation file and follow any instructions
  • Once installed, click on the 'MailEnable Administrator' which should be on the desktop (if not find it in the Start menu)
  • Expand 'Post Offices' -> POSTOFFICENAME
  • Click on 'Create Mailbox'
  • Add your mailboxes
  • Expand 'Servers' -> 'localhost' -> 'Connectors'
  • Right click on the 'SMTP' connector and choose 'Properties'
  • We recommend visiting each tab and reading each setting. If you intend to send mail out from the server you will need to 'Enable Mail Relay' on the 'Relay' tab, and add your server IP and to the 'Privileged IPs' list. To support local IPV6 addresses we also recommend adding the following to the Privileged IP list (not adding this may result in emails sent from IIS being rejected):



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