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Disable Directory Listing or Browsing in cPanel

Written by: on 27 May 2016 03:40 PM 27 May 2016 03:40 PM

Learn how to disable directory listing or browsing in cPanel? Read easy 'how to' guidelines and do it yourself.

When you browse to your website and access a directory that has no index.html, index.htm or index.php file, by default a list of all the files and sub-directories/folders is displayed.

Turning this listing off is very easy. You could use .htaccess to do it, however an easier way is to log into your cPanel account for the site and do the following:

Under "Advanced" (down the bottom), click on "Index Manager". Select the public_html folder and choose "No indexing". That will apply to all subfolders. You can also select specific sub-folders and change the permissions for them.


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