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Removing an IP from cPanel

Written by: on 27 May 2016 09:29 PM 27 May 2016 09:29 PM

Already paying for an extra IP that no longer require? Learn & remove it from cPanel first before anyone can reclaim it.

If you are paying for an extra IP that you no longer require you need to remove it from cPanel first before we can reclaim it.

To do that, login to WHM -> IP Functions -> Show or Delete Current IP Addresses

Make sure the IP address you want to remove is not in use, and then delete it. This will remove it from your server and network configuration.

Then email requesting the removal and letting us know the IP address. We'll verify it's removed from your cPanel and reclaim it in our system and remove it from your account for billing purposes.

Note: cPanel fully supports SNI which enables you to run multiple HTTPS (SSL) websites from a single IP, this means that you shouldn't require extra IPs for individual sites on your server.

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