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Knowledgebase : Security
Set up email address for ConfigServer Security & Firewall alerts in WHM/cPanel. An easy tutorial for self learners. Learn about setting the email address for ConfigServer Security & Firewall alerts in WHM or cPanel for security reason. First login to ...
Stop hackers attempting to login on wordpress website. A quick guide for self learners on Wordpress security. The WordPress Security tips can protect you against an attack and prevent hackers from continually attempting to login. Wordpress installatio...
Guide to address how to prevent your VPS from being used in a DDOS attack. This affects all versions of Windows DNS. This article will address how to prevent your VPS from being used in a DDOS attack. This affects all versions of Windows DNS (2003/2008/...
Find out details about red hat support for the Common Vulnerability. Learn it youself by following step by step tutorial. OVERVIEW The Google Security Team [] a...
SSH RootKit applies variants of Linux including Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS etc. Find more details on VPSBlocks. SSH RootKit on Linux based machines security alert (updated 23/02/2013) APPLIES TO All variants of Linux including Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Op...
You must paste intermediate certificate/chain Ordering while Comodo Certificate without CA Bundle. Read to learn more. If you order a Comodo Certificate sometimes instead of sending the CA Bundle in a single file, they'll send multiple files. You need t...
September 7th 2020 An update breaks LFD meaning no file exists at /usr/sbin/lfd. This is fixed by reinstalling the ConfigServer Security&Firewall product. This can be done in WHM -> Terminal or through SSH by running the following commands: > cd ~ ...