Installing Fantastico
Posted by Will Kruss on 18 November 2015 05:23 PM

If you purchase a Fantastico License you will need to install it to your cPanel installation. This is extremely easy to do.

First you need to enable ioncube:

  • Login to WHM (you will have been provided access in the VPS setup email)
  • Go to 'tweak settings'
  • Search for 'ioncube'
  • Click the checkbox next to ioncube in the cPanel PHP loader section and click 'Save'

Now you need to install Fantastico!

Just SSH to your server and enter following command (you may also copy/paste):

wget -O - | /bin/bash

This will attempt to install Fantastico F3 on your server automatically. Please be patient, the process may take some time (and you will see a fair amount of information output to the screen during this process.

At this point, your copy of Fantastico F3 is fully functional. You can visit the cPanel component and start installing scripts (visiting WHM component is not mandatory as was in F2).

NOW GO TO YOUR WHM -> Plugins -> Fantastico F3.

Follow the on screen instructions.

If your users don't see a Fantastico link in their CPanel: Go to WHM and edit the "default" Features List. Activate Fantastico.

If you have purchased a managed support package this will be done for you.

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