Mount a DVD
Posted by Will Kruss on 12 July 2021 02:07 PM

Guide to mount file-system to enable user to read data from CD or DVD media. Follow instructions to do it yourself.

Portal Login Explained

If you login to the portal website using your email address and password you can administer all your VPSs, change account details, place new orders etc.

If you login to the portal website using your VPS username and password you will only have access to manage a single VPS, no mention of VPSBlocks is made, and no ability to modify your account or order services.

How to mount a DVD on your VPS

1. Go to

2. Login using your email address and password

3. Click on 'VPS Management'

4. Select the VPS in question from the drop down list box

5. Look for the DVD actions window. Here you can easily browse the ISO files we have available and mount them on your VPS.

Note: Depending on the size of the DVD it may take some time for it to become available on your VPS.

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