How to Install zPanel for Ubuntu server
Posted by Will Kruss on 18 January 2017 01:38 PM

All related questions & answer on installing zPanel for Ubuntu server. A self help guide to solve issues.

zPanel is a free alternative to cPanel. It's very easy to setup if you follow the below instructions:

1. Login to your server via SSH (see: )

2. Follow the instructions to install zPanel, see:

Once this is complete you will see a Congratulations summary displayed in your SSH session. This will provide you the password you need to login to zPanel. The system will also automatically reboot. Ensure you save the password before you close the SSH session, otherwise you will not be able to login.


# Save the following information somewhere safe:             #
# MySQL Root Password : sdf89us4j                            #
# ZPanelX Username    : zadmin                               #
# ZPanelX Password    :

> New server crypto key written to cnf/security.php
> New API key has been generated!
> Account password for 'zadmin' has been updated!

p6pFIBviIsfdQH6hC                     #

5. To login go to http://YOURSERVERIP

Login using: zadmin
Pass: p6pFIBviIsfdQH6hC (whatever password is displayed)

Once you are logged in you can begin creating websites.

  • To get started go to 'Domain Management -> Domains' and create your new hosting account domain.
  • It will enter a pending state, to force it to be created immediately go to 'Server Admin -> zPanel Config' at the bottom is an option 'Run Daemon Now' click on that.
  • Once your domain is green (live), you should check DNS for it.
  • Click on 'Domain Management' -> 'DNS Manager', choose your newly added domain
  • Create mailboxes: click on 'Mail' -> 'Mailboxes'
  • Create a MySQL Database if required: Click on 'Database Management' -> 'MySQL Database'
  • Create an FTP Account if required: Click on 'File Management' -> 'FTP Accounts'
  • You can also create other users (users, resellers or administrators) if you wish: Click on 'Reseller -> 'Manage Clients'

For help see the zPanel website at:


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